Palazzo Morgagni – Roma
An exclusive and unique showroom in the heart of the Eternal City dedicated to the Master of Surrealism.
Vistors to the Roman Morgagni Palace may admire a museum-quality collection of handsigned graphic artworks and Salvador Dalí sculptural masterworks.
Via Giovanni Battista Morgagni, 3, 00161 Roma RM
Salvador Dalí was deeply attached to the theories of the Austrian neurologist, psychoanalyst and philosopher Sigmund Freud, a great scholar of the world of dreams. A careful student of Freud’s theories, to access the unconscious and fuel his surreal and artistic inspiration, Dalí considered dreams and imaginations as fundamental keys to the knowledge of human thought. In 1938 Dalí’s wish came true and the meeting with Freud took place in his London house.
Salvador Dalí si lego profondamente alle teorie del neurologo, psicoanalista e filosofo austriaco Sigmund Freud grande studioso del mondo dei sogni.
Attento studioso delle teorie di Freud, per accedere all’inconscio ed alimentare la sua ispirazione surreale ed artistica, Dalí considerava i sogni e le immaginazioni, come chiavi fondamentali per la conoscenza del pensiero umano.
Nel 1938 il desiderio di Dalí si realizzò e l’incontro con Freud avvenne nella sua casa londinese.